Sweet! Hot! Jazz!

Sweet! Hot! Jazz!
3/1/2017, 6:00 PM 10:00 PM
All Invited to Grandview C4 Jazz Bands Sweet! Hot! Jazz! Concert, Event March 1 at Grandview HS. Doors open at 6pm. Concert begins at 7pm.

All Invited to Grandview C4 Jazz Bands Sweet! Hot! Jazz! Concert, Event March 1
Eighty students, four jazz bands, three chocolate fountains and an estimated 400 attendees will make up the sixth Grandview C4 Jazz Bands Sweet! Hot! Jazz! event 6 pm, March 1 at Grandview High School.

The community is invited to this free family friendly concert to share the 35-year legacy of the Grandview jazz program. High School Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble, and Grandview Middle School and Martin City Middle School jazz bands will play beginning at 7 pm. Grandview jazz band alumni are especially encouraged to attend to be recognized and to find themselves in decades of Grandview jazz band photos that will be on display in the high school lobby.

Doors open at 6 pm so guests can purchase $1 tickets to enjoy sweet treats dipped in the chocolate fountains, the coffee and hot chocolate bar, and fun raffle prizes. Sponsorship are also available and will be recognized in the evening’s program.
Funds raised through sponsorships, raffle donations and tickets help provide scholarship for Grandview graduates planning to continue to play in college bands. Donations will also be accepted to build the Garry Anders Grandview Bands Fund that will support band students and the program. Anders was a former Grandview band director who passed away last summer.

Grandview has an impressive legacy of jazz musicians, with current students regularly winning top awards, to many alumni – including Mark Pender, trumpet player for Conan O’Brien’s Basic Cable Band - playing professionally worldwide.

For more information visit www.grandviewbands.org, email [email protected] or call band director Charles Jakes at 816-316-5816 or Sweet! Hot! Jazz! coordinator Rachel Casey 816-816-682-2356.

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